simple minimal: the art of less

type Design interface {
    IsSimple() bool
    IsMinimal() bool
    // rarely both

minimalism is a pinterest board pretending to be a lifestyle.
simplicity is saying “i just want less crap to deal with.”

that’s it. that’s the whole difference.

but we keep confusing them.

that sleek, empty interface? minimal.
but the complexity hiding beneath? not simple.
(you just pushed the mess somewhere else)

that rough command line tool? simple.
but those extra flags and options? not minimal.
(because it actually solves real problems)

minimal design:  beauty -------> abstraction -----> hidden complexity
(looks clean, feels clean, isn't clean)

simple design:   function -----> directness ------> exposed truth
(looks rough, feels right, actually works)

minimalism says “throw everything away and live like a monk."
simplicity says “keep what makes your life better, burn the rest.”

minimal hides the truth.
simple exposes it.

minimal serves your ego.
simple serves your needs.

minimal removes until it photographs well.
simple removes until it works well.

let’s get specific:

your smartphone is minimal. (beautiful mess of complexity under that glass)
your terminal is simple. (ugly, powerful, honest)

vim is simple. (steep learning curve, infinite power)
vs code is minimal. (pretty icons hiding dependency hell)

unix commands are simple. (do one thing, do it well)
modern apis are minimal. (abstract everything, hide the cost)

kubernetes is neither. (and that’s why we’re all tired)

don’t confuse them.
don’t chase both.

pick your truth:

  • hide complexity for beauty
  • expose complexity for clarity
  • but never pretend they’re the same

both paths work.
neither path is wrong.

just know which game you’re playing.

minimalism is for show. simplicity is for life.

