your turn to build

steve jobs nailed it: “everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you.” read that again. every tool you use, every system you depend on, every rule you follow—someone just like you built that shit. the world isn’t some finished product handed down from the gods. it’s a work-in-progress, and you’ve got an open invitation to leave your mark.

then there’s austin kleon dropping truth bombs in steal like an artist. “nothing is original” sounds like a punch to the gut if you’ve been chasing that mythical breakthrough idea. but kleon isn’t saying creativity is dead—he’s saying every creation is built on what came before. most creators treat their influences like a dirty secret, pretending to be completely original while quietly borrowing ideas. but the real ones? they wear their influences like battle scars. they honor them by building something better.

here’s the mind-fuck: these two ideas—nothing is finished and nothing is original—aren’t fighting each other. they’re tag-team partners. challenge everything. build your version. steal like a chef, not like a thief. whether you want to launch a startup, open that weird bakery you’ve been dreaming about, or completely rewire how education works, the only way forward is through the mess. build something ugly. remix what works. fail spectacularly. iterate relentlessly.

this isn’t about your job. this is about your life. you can’t wait for permission to make your move. every system you use is just someone else’s experiment, waiting for you to take it further.

stop waiting for the perfect moment. it doesn’t exist.
stop asking for permission. you don’t need it.
start building. right fucking now.

yesterday’s builders were just like you. tomorrow’s builders are waiting for you to show them how.
