Contributions vs. Resumes

Resumes are the Tinder profile of hiring. Contributions? They’re the first date that proves it’s not all Photoshop and filters.

package hiring

// EvaluateFit decides based on contributions, not just resumes.
func EvaluateFit(candidate Candidate) bool {
    return candidate.HasContributions() && 

Resumes are fine for saying, “Hey, look at me!” But they’re also full of fluff. Contributions? That’s where the truth lives. They’re raw, unpolished, and show what someone’s really made of. You don’t need to wonder if the candidate has skills or experience—they’ve already left a trail of proof.

Open-sourcing a repo is like starting a startup. You have an idea, code it into reality, give it a name, maybe even slap on a logo. Then you package it up—probably just a—and send it into the wild. No users? Who cares. You’ve just done the entire entrepreneurial journey, end-to-end. From concept to execution, it’s all there. And every repo you launch is another notch in your entrepreneurial belt.

Contributing to an existing repo? That’s like joining a company. You dive into someone else’s code, figure out their style, adapt to their rules, and work within their systems. Contributing to ten repos? That’s like working at ten companies. You learn what works, what doesn’t, how different teams operate, and how to add value fast. It’s a low-risk way to sharpen your skills without needing HR to approve you.

Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the “20-year single company expert.” Sure, they’re probably great at their one thing, but throw them into something new? It’s a gamble. Meanwhile, someone who’s worked on ten different projects, across multiple teams and goals, has seen it all. They’ve got a mental playbook of what works and what’s a dumpster fire waiting to happen.

Contributions are practice for real life. Open source is where you learn to ship, collaborate, and adapt. It’s not just a portfolio; it’s proof that you know how to take action and make an impact. Resumes might get you in the door, but contributions are what keep you in the room.

“A resume is a pitch. Contributions are the proof.”
