Manfred Touron


5 pages about "Release"

Releasing a second generated book online

Sonic le hérisson à la piscine

En 50 avant jésus-christ… Sonic le hérisson a peur de tout, ses parents sont les plus gentils du monde. Jordy le colibri était un aventurier, sa passion est de manger des pommes. Il y avait Mireille l’abeille, son matelas est moelleux. Pour Potam l’hippopotame, une bonne journée se passe avec des amis, son repas favoris est la pizza. Et il eut son poid en pomme.

Les fabuleuses aventures de Victor le tyranosaure

Il était une fois… dans un monde fabuleux… Victor le tyranosaure avait beaucoup d’amis, son repas préféré est le gouter. Pour Denver le dernier dinosaure, une bonne journée se passe avec des amis, ses parents sont les plus gentils du monde. Potam l’hippopotame n’a peur de rien, son repas favoris est la pizza. Il y avait Sophie la girafe, son plus grand rève est d’aller voir un film au cinéma. Et ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d’enfants.

`assh` - Advanced SSH Config 🤓

assh, formerly known as “Advanced SSH config”, is a smart tool that was designed to wrap tightly around your SSH and enhance it, like a superhero suit that has various gadgets installed. It adds regex, aliases, gateways, dynamic hostnames, graphviz, notifications, json output and yaml configuration.

Some of its configuration features are:

  • regex support
  • aliases -> gate.domain.tld
  • includes: split configuration in multiple files
  • gateways -> transparent ssh connection chaining
  • inheritance: make hosts inherits from host hosts or templates
  • variable expansion: resolve variables from the environment
  • desktop notifications: based on events
  • Graphviz representation of the hosts

assh manages your ~/.ssh/config file, taking care of keeping its backup.

lib-ssh wraps assh as a ProxyCommand, which means that it works seamlessly with ssh, scp, rsync, git, and Desktop applications depending on lib-ssh or ssh (i.e., Tower,, SSH Tunnel Manager).

A few usage examples:

  • assh config build: Rewrites and replaces the existing ~/.ssh/config file.
  • assh config graphviz: Generate a graphviz graph of the hosts
  • assh sockets list: List active control sockets.
  • assh sockets master: Create a master control sockets.
  • assh ping: Send packets to the SSH server and display stats.

Those are some of the highlights of assh. Visit its GitHub page to find out more about its configuration, usage and integration.

sshportal - An Opinionated SSH Jump-Host

There are many reasons why spaceships don’t have doors that open into the outer space. For one, when a crewmate returns to the ship after visiting a planet, we can do some bio-scanning on them in the airlock, to see if it’s safe to open the doors and let them aboard, or if there’s an alien gestating in their chest.

Maybe the dangers of alien infestation won’t be a concern for at least ten more years, but right now we already are in the digital space, which packs many threats of its own. To protect your infrastructure from an invasion, allow me to suggest a jump host1 named sshportal.

Distinguishing features

Full independence of users and hosts.

sshportal streamlines their management and makes it easy to have multiple users to multiple hosts. They are decorrelated, as only the bastion knows information about both sides – the end user doesn’t have to know the hosts, he is automatically connected to everything he should have access to. So, for example, if a new developer comes into the company or changes their key, the configuration on each of the target servers don’t have to be changed; if the developer leaves, you can remove their access in seconds.

Access to target features

Kitchen, cargo hold, gym – there are many things that an airlock isn’t. sshportal does its job only at the connection, then it “pipes” everything to the target host. So it supports various advanced features, without having any code related to them. Some tested features are: X11 forwarding, port forwarding, tunneling, ssh-agent, sftp, scp, rsync, git support.

Connecting to servers that don’t support SSH keys

…, but only have username/password, This can be especially true for some hardware like internet router or old computers. Once you configure a remote host with the username/password, sshportal will automatically enter the login information. So, other people won’t have to know the login and password – they will connect as they would to any other hosts, using their personal SSH key to connect to sshportal.

“Roles” that provide various levels of access. A user can have access only to a particular host or host group. Login, ssh access, sftp access, and many other features can be enabled or disabled for specific users.

sshportal is also portable, scalable, provides various kinds of statistics and other neat features.

The “invite” system

sshportal was made to be fluid and easy to install and manage, and adding new users is a task that it simplifies greatly. Let’s take a look at a scenario that often occurs when someone in a company wants to access the server:

This person needs to request access from an administrator, to which the administrator will ask for the “public ssh key” of the user – user provides the key, and the administrator manually adds it on the server. Even if the user provides the key along with the request, the administrator still has to ask the user to test the connection, then the user tries and confirms – or doesn’t, which leads to some more steps. This workflow becomes even more involved when you have a user asking his manager to ask the “admin team” or to “open a ticket”, as every step is asynchronous and non-monitorable.

The “invite” mechanism works the opposite way. Admin can create an “invite code” in advance, with a named account that doesn’t have any public ssh key; the first user connecting to the server with this code will automatically link its key with the account. So, after a user requests the access, the workflow goes like this:

Administrator creates the user account sshportal user create sshportal returns a one-line instruction, i.e.: ssh -l invite:XXXXX that the administrator can give to the user. A user executes the line, and that’s it.

Also, the administrator can check if the user tried to reconnect or not.

Use cases

Used by educators to provide temporary access to students.

A group of over 6000 people is using it internally to manage access to servers/routers, saving hours on configuration management and not having to share the configuration information.

There are companies who use a jump host to monitor connections at a single point.

A hosting company is using sshportal for its “logging” feature, among the others. As every session is logged and introspectable, they have a detailed history of who performed which action. This company made its own contribution to the project, allowing the support of more than 65.000 sessions in the database.

The project has also received multiple contributions from a security researcher that made a thesis on quantum cryptography. This person uses sshportal in their security-hardened hosting company.

A step beyond

There are more things to say about sshportal, but you could visit the GitHub page to check out the demo for yourself and learn more about its features and inner workings. The project is actively supported and has new features in development, like direct access to docker container. Perhaps there is something you personally would like to add or improve? Welcome aboard!


Jump host1 – also known as “bastion” or “gateway” – is an intermediary host that stands between the user and target hosts. It is exposed to the internet and configured to withstand attacks, while the target host remains in the “protected” network, behind the firewall. For more details, here are the Wiki articles on Bastion host and Demilitarized Zo ne.

Hello Wulo!

Lancement de Wulo

🚀 Je suis fier de vous présenter Wulo, une plateforme alternative de mise en relation entre chauffeurs et passagers.

👫 Derrière Wulo, j’ai créé United Drivers, une association à but non lucratif (je vous expliquerai pourquoi ce choix du modèle associatif dans un autre article 😄). Pour m’épauler, j’ai réuni autour de moi une équipe principalement composée de développeurs issus de 42.

🚖 Wulo, c’est ma proposition pour améliorer le niveau de vie des chauffeurs, leur permettre de se faire entendre, d’avoir une meilleure rémunération et de pérenniser leur activité. J’ai décidé de réunir les taxis et VTC sur une même plateforme et de ne prendre ni commission, ni abonnement.

👥 Nous souhaitons répondre aussi aux besoins des passagers. En plus de proposer des courses moins chères, des options sont disponibles comme la mise à disposition d’un siège bébé, le paiement via l’application ou en espèces, mais aussi des prix connus à l’avance.

👍 Plus d’articles à venir pour vous partager notre vision, nos valeurs et notre quotidien.

en savoir plus

📱 Retrouvez l’application sur l’App Store et Google Play

📰 Voir le dossier de presse 😄


A curated list of SSH resources.

In the continuity of the awesome lists, I decided to release my own one about SSH, fortunately for me this subject was not yet created.

This first version contains

  • the tools I’m using everyday as a devops.
  • but also my piece of code: assh and ssh2docker.
  • the projects I love.
  • and the one I read the code.

Feel free to share the list and contribute !