Manfred Touron

Pathwar ☠️

Pathwar is a security learning platform.

It consists of:

  • an API (Go)
  • a web portal (React)
  • a web proxy (Go)
  • an ssh proxy (Go)
  • an oAuth server (Go)
  • an hypervisor (Docker)

More info on and on GitHub.

4 pages about "Pathwar ☠️"

Mentoring Hook's First Batch of Startups during a Diner (42entrepreneurs)

Hook is the VC of 42entrepreneurs.

We talked about a lot of topics, mainly focused on previous experiences.

I met 2 startups:

  • Myth (e-sport)
  • Hatack (cybersec courses)

Dockerself - runtime self-dockerizer


dockerself is a program that creates a new Docker container, injects itself, and finally runs itself from within Docker.

For the record, I was working on pathwar (a security learning platform) and was trying to design the less-constraining way of creating new levels.

My current best idea is to inject a custom entrypoint when the platform starts a new container, instead of requiring the level developers to adapt their Dockerfile.

Additionally, to the simplicity that is added for a level developer, this pattern also has the advantage of always putting the latest version of the entrypoint, even if the image was not updated for a very long time.

Additional resources

Pathwar: unix levels

First version of the unix levels on Pathwar.

Until today, Pathwar was only about web-based level; But now, it’s also possible to have non-web levels thanks to ssh2docker.

Source code: