Manfred Touron

Paris, France 🇫🇷

Paris is my current living location.

It’s the third time I’m living in Paris:

  • from 1988 to 1989: I moved to Paris with my parents just 1 week after my birth, and left Paris to Rouen 1 year later,
  • from 2006 to 2009: I moved back to Paris to attend Epitech School, and left Paris to Evreux during the 3rd year, to live with my current wife in a smaller city.
  • since 2018: I currently live in Paris with my wife, my dog, and my two daughters. It allows me to be more physically and emotionnaly available for both my family and my colleagues.

My family and I are very happy to live in the hyper-center of Paris. We don’t have a car anymore and are now most of the time pedestrians.

We have access to a huge amount of cultural places, parks and nice places, especially for young kids. We also have direct access to national trainstations and international airports. As parents, we are proud to provide our daughters access to a wide range of people, lifestyles, and cultures.

We don’t have any plan to move outside of Paris for now, but are thinking about living in a Péniche in Paris.

31 pages about "Paris, France 🇫🇷"

Releasing a second generated book online

Sonic le hérisson à la piscine

En 50 avant jésus-christ… Sonic le hérisson a peur de tout, ses parents sont les plus gentils du monde. Jordy le colibri était un aventurier, sa passion est de manger des pommes. Il y avait Mireille l’abeille, son matelas est moelleux. Pour Potam l’hippopotame, une bonne journée se passe avec des amis, son repas favoris est la pizza. Et il eut son poid en pomme.

Les fabuleuses aventures de Victor le tyranosaure

Il était une fois… dans un monde fabuleux… Victor le tyranosaure avait beaucoup d’amis, son repas préféré est le gouter. Pour Denver le dernier dinosaure, une bonne journée se passe avec des amis, ses parents sont les plus gentils du monde. Potam l’hippopotame n’a peur de rien, son repas favoris est la pizza. Il y avait Sophie la girafe, son plus grand rève est d’aller voir un film au cinéma. Et ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d’enfants.

Brainstorm on paas/iaas strategy

The brainstorm focuses are:

  • on-premise / cloud-based / hybrid
  • boundaries / responsibilities / split of the projects, products, and team scopes
  • rules, metrics and workflow
  • big-milestones roadmap


« The big point about a company organization is to get faster »

« The big point of a product (in a tribe mode company) is to get faster and give autonomy and power to the team »

« The big point of a PO is to make sure the cash invested has an high impact »

« The big point of a lead dev is to ensure that we don’t cut the corners (a.k.a. that we are future-proof) »

« Impact is all that matters »

Start reading « Steal Like An Artist », again!

This time I will be focused on being more efficient at stealing: take notes, generate todos, and write an excerpt

Setting up the « Eisenhower Matrix » framework with my trello tasks

I’ve no idea of the efficiency alone, but it combines very nicely with my existing flows based on a custom set of Kanban columns on Trello.

I was already pretty efficient into defining the equivalent of the DO and DECIDE columns (in my own way); this workflows considerably help me to define the two last columns: DELEGATE and DELETE