Manfred Touron

Hello Wulo!

Lancement de Wulo

🚀 Je suis fier de vous présenter Wulo, une plateforme alternative de mise en relation entre chauffeurs et passagers.

👫 Derrière Wulo, j’ai créé United Drivers, une association à but non lucratif (je vous expliquerai pourquoi ce choix du modèle associatif dans un autre article 😄). Pour m’épauler, j’ai réuni autour de moi une équipe principalement composée de développeurs issus de 42.

🚖 Wulo, c’est ma proposition pour améliorer le niveau de vie des chauffeurs, leur permettre de se faire entendre, d’avoir une meilleure rémunération et de pérenniser leur activité. J’ai décidé de réunir les taxis et VTC sur une même plateforme et de ne prendre ni commission, ni abonnement.

👥 Nous souhaitons répondre aussi aux besoins des passagers. En plus de proposer des courses moins chères, des options sont disponibles comme la mise à disposition d’un siège bébé, le paiement via l’application ou en espèces, mais aussi des prix connus à l’avance.

👍 Plus d’articles à venir pour vous partager notre vision, nos valeurs et notre quotidien.

en savoir plus

📱 Retrouvez l’application sur l’App Store et Google Play

📰 Voir le dossier de presse 😄

Docker Machine driver for Scaleway

We just released the Docker Machine driver for Scaleway; You can now use Machine to create Docker hosts on Scaleway servers.

This tool comes as an alternative method of provisionning Docker engines on Scaleway and won’t replace the Docker Instant-App.

Using Docker-Machine, it is now very easy to create a Swarm cluster in minutes: script (output).

It is now easy to manage a Swarm cluster of hybrid servers (x86_64 + armhf).

It is also very convenient to use a Swarm cluster composed of Raspberry PI using the Hypriot OS and Scaleway servers together.

A Googler would like to recognize your work on assh

A Googler would like to recognize your work on assh

I just received this email from someone at Google :)

Dear Manfred-

As you may know, we here in Google’s Open Source Programs Office are always interested in learning about new projects and people in the open source community. To that end, we asked our co-workers to help us by nominating people outside of Google that they thought were doing great things in the world of open source.

Uriel Corfa (Googler) believes your work on assh deserves to be recognized. To show our appreciation for this work, we would like to send you a special thank you gift and a MasterCard worth $250 USD that can be used at merchants and ATMs worldwide.

At your convenience, please fill out our form [0] with the physical address you would like us to use to ship your gift and MasterCard (it will be shipped via FedEx). If you are located outside of the US it could take a bit longer for your gift to arrive due to customs delays. You must fill out the form by Wednesday, April 20 to receive your funds.

Our 3rd party vendor, Payoneer* will contact you via email to provide more information about the $250 USD MasterCard.

Again we thank you for your great work in the open source community, we appreciate all that you do. Please contact Stephanie Taylor ( if you have any questions.



Thank you Google for this program, it’s wonderful to receive an award spontaneously.


docker-diff is a mini tool to quickly compare the contents of two Docker images.

$ ./docker-diff alpine:3.2 alpine:3.3
< ---s--x--x 9944       bin/bbsuid
< -rwxr-xr-x 800936     bin/busybox
> -rwxr-xr-x 809128     bin/busybox
< lrwxrwxrwx 0          bin/rc-status
< -rwxr-xr-x 9872       bin/uniso
< drwxr-xr-x 0          etc/acpi/
< drwxr-xr-x 0          etc/acpi/PWRF/
< -rwxr-xr-x 19         etc/acpi/PWRF/00000080
< -rw-r--r-- 45         etc/apk/repositories
< -rw-r--r-- 12         etc/apk/world
> -rw-r--r-- 95         etc/apk/repositories
> -rw-r--r-- 51         etc/apk/world
< -rw-r--r-- 328        etc/conf.d/bootmisc
< -rw-r--r-- 876        etc/conf.d/consolefont
< -rw-r--r-- 55         etc/conf.d/cron
< -rw-r--r-- 348        etc/conf.d/devfs
< -rw-r--r-- 117        etc/conf.d/dmesg
< -rw-r--r-- 1402       etc/conf.d/fsck
< -rw-r--r-- 59         etc/conf.d/hostname
< -rw-r--r-- 857        etc/conf.d/hwclock
< -rw-r--r-- 911        etc/conf.d/keymaps

Docker + multiarch = 💖

Docker + multiarch = <3

Recently, I started the multiarch organization on GitHub.

Multiarch aims to provide

1. Docker images builds of Linux distributions for multiple architecture

full list on multiarch on Docker hub.

2. tools around multiarch

  • multiarch/docker-goxc: a ready-to-use goxc in Docker, build GO projects for multiple architectures from an x86_64 host
  • multiarch/true: minimalist Docker images for multiarch, ideal for testing runtime
  • multiarch/qemu-user-static: qemu-user-static Docker images for all architectures + a register special image that helps to configure the Kernel binfmt support
  • multiarch/crossbuild: multiarch cross compiling environments, cross-build C/C++ programs using Docker from an x86_64 host

3. Proof-of-concept around experimental multiarch support in Dockefile