⚠️ This post is based on proof-of-noob protocol. do not try this at home!⚠️

One of the mandatory components that take part in a blockchain is its “proof system”. On most famous blockchains, this proof system will protect the network, regulate the creation and rewarding of tokens.

In a hypothetical (and very unsafe blockchain), the “proof system” may be simplified to the rule that distributes the generated tokens.

There are no hardcoded rules about how should or should not be a proof system, but in general, the system tries to make requires the same amount of sacrifice (a work, a bet, a risk) to generate the same amount of tokens.

In general, the PoA systems are centralized, opaque, and riskier than other systems.

You can think about the PoA as if a king or a dictator or an organization defines who can have money.

What I like about the PoA system, is that as soon as you manage to create a “good dictator,” a system that rewards good actions, PoA can become the engine of an autonomous system that encourages being good within a community.

Note: as soon as a model works with PoA, it’s still possible to imagine creating a decentralized system that will collectively apply the same verification rule, but it’s sometimes complicated to protect the network against attackers that would have a significant amount of nodes and simulate an invalid consensus

Let’s be clear, even if the following list may be developed, the ideas are more fun than useful, and most of them suffer from being vulnerable to attacks.

§The ideas

Note: this article is the output of a routine, the content of this list won't change over time. It's, however, possible that I create a whole new list on the same subject as a dedicated new post.